SOAR's brand, Together, We SOAR, reflects its belief that building friendships between individuals with and without disabilities enriches the lives of all.
SOAR provides opportunities for community organizations to co-host recreational events for SOAR club members. Favorite activities include dances, picnics, parties, bowling and putt-putt.
“We have had a full house at every social activity so far. SOAR Club members come in the door smiling from ear to ear. They participate 100% in activities and are now involved in the planning themselves. They have even participated in some service projects, such as making Valentines for the local nursing home. It is heartwarming to see the camaraderie among them. They laugh and chat with each other and genuinely enjoy each other's company." - Kathy Calhoun
Contact SOAR at (912) 434-3484 or at info@soargoldenisles.org for more information on how your group can support this effort.
SOAR is generously supported by these organizations:

Altama Presbyterian Church
Brunswick Glynn County Council on Disabilities
Jekyll Island Presbyterian Church
Jekyll Island Rotary